Friday, January 14, 2011

Eat This, Not That

Of course eating fast food is usually not the healthiest option, but some menu items are better for you than others (or at least the lesser of two evils). Here is a fun game all about fast food choices from the Men's Health website.

Click HERE to play the "Eat This, Not That" game. You will go through a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drink/snack portion where you try to guess which menu item is the healthier of the two choices.

Post what your score was. Was there anything that surprised you? Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I know this is an old post, but i was checking to see you if you guys had any recent updates and saw this test. I did good @ breakfast - 460. Not so good @ lunch - 420 (website said I was "ok"). My mom would love this!
    - Melanie
